Brett Walkenhorst, CTO, Bastille
Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities
Part 2
Bastille's Vulnerability Series educates security professionals on the ever-evolving risks and vulnerabilities present within wireless protocols. This installment in the Vulnerability Series focuses on Part 2 of our earlier discussion of Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities.
In this webinar, our CTO, Brett Walkenhorst, PhD, discusses a range of topics related to Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities such as:
Authentication Cracking - WEP, WPS PIN, PMKID, 4-way Handshake, Password Spraying
Client Attacks - PitM, Captive Portal, NetNTLM hash stealing, etc.
Hacker Devices - Wi-Fi Pineapple, O.MG Cable, Wi-Fi USB Rubber Ducky, etc.
This threat of Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities often remains unseen by physical security due to the wireless nature of RF. However, Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities exploited by a malicious actor can compromise your organization's security, thus necessitating the need for increased awareness and preparedness surrounding the range of current Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities.
In the webinar Dr. Walkenhorst details the current landscape of Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities, and provides techniques on how to mitigate this threat, including:
Monitoring for Suspicious Devices
Policies and Training for Employees
Best Practices for your Wi-Fi networks and devices
Dr. Brett Walkenhorst, CTO at Bastille and former Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech